Monday, February 11, 2008

The Eve Before We Leave

Feb 3rd, 10:30 pm

The rain beats white noise onto the tin roof. It’s muggy. My apprehension that was with me the night before I left Perth is back; I think in large part due to the heavy rain. My window is open, and my cotton sheets are damp – not that I mind the cool in this warmth. Thunder growls in the distance. Our bikes are mostly packed save the last checks that must wait till morning. The rain is forecast in Esperance and in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, 500 miles north of us. Norseman is 200 km north; this probably means we will see some rain tomorrow. Time will tell, and it will be what it will be. It’s strange that such brief respite from travel allows the rise of fears that were shed so quickly two weeks ago. I am sure they will leave just as soon as we head to the road tomorrow.

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