Saturday, February 9, 2008

Anthony Arrives Today

Feb 2

Anthony Arrives today

I am thankful for this company. Have I been lonely on this trip? Yes, I have, but I have not regretted a moment of it. It has been good to have this solitude to contemplate, when I am overwhelmed by the want for human company, it usually finds me. When it does not, there is always work to turn to. Writing, cleaning, maintaining, and of course more miles on the bike. However, I will be very happy to share the next part of the adventure with someone else. The lows will not be so low, and the highs inevitably different. Different, but just as good. Conversation, consistent conversation of a shared experience, will be good. I have known Anthony for almost three years now. We both coached rowing at LWRC for a summer. He is a rower, so I know I can trust him. This will be a great adventure.

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